A change is coming

It surprises me how fear can stop us in our tracks. Think about it, how many simple things did you not do today simply because of fear? Maybe you didn’t tell that guy on the bus his eyes are beautiful or you didn’t tell the lady standing in for of your with her waist at eye levee her zipper was down. Why? Because you didn’t want to come off
as freak or weird.

Did you know you could have made that guys day a whole lot better because he having a bad one? Or save that lady a ton of embarrassment when she walked into her meeting that

Last year I wrote hello ello fear while I did concur the fear i was facing. It seems like the more fear I over came a bigger one took it place. This year my fears are at the fore front of everything.

So I did accomplish getting a closer connection with god. He never fails to amazes me. Even yesterday as I sit for coffee and heart to heart with friends he reminded us that he is still in the mids. A friend of mine sends me bible verses every day and this was what he said.

Proverbs 13:20 NIV
20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

We must choose our friends carefully, for they have a major impact on the person we become. Remember to pray for your friends today.

This has a very huge impact on me right now.

My new fear biggest fear will need all my friends making sure I stay on the right path. and its amazing how when your life is changing the people you loose along the way. When we surround ourself with like mined people you grow, you grow into a bitter version of yourself.

I am ready a changing is coming and fear aint winning.

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I am on a journey to self discovery. When I started this blog I had just cut off my hair and for the first time in my whole life thought I was beautiful. After not writing for a while and coming back and rereading some of my post I realize I am on the same journey just a different level. This blog is really an archive of me. I am open, honest and transparent with every post and every part of my journey. What you will find here is everything and anything important to me or anything God lays on my heart to write. You will find anything form love and adventure right down to heart break and depression and all the in betweens. Please enjoy

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