the end and the beginning of something new

On the 22 of june G decided to end things with me. Said he felt like he was beneath me and he didn’t deserve me. He needed time to go work on himself etc. The irony is that it came right after he got into school and got a job. while I understand his reasons for wanting to work on himself. I can’t help but think he used me, suck me dry and then up and left when he no longer needed me. It like he step up from being leach.

In all honesty I’m not sure about my feelings. I not mad nor am I angry, maybe disappointed and a little relieved. He broke up with me and by the end of that week iw as outside and doing better. My sad grey rainy clouds of depression are finally letting in some light and I have hope.

So last weekend I started to ask my guy friends on my Facebook about love and relationship.One guys answers led to me asking more questions and us talking a lot more than usual. I like him. He makes me behave like a silly school girl laughing and smiling at my phone. Something I truly need.

He describe love like a dream. He said that

love can put you in the depths of the Ocean and be the a guiding light. Love in relationships should just blow like the warm summer air and the thought of it should grow like the trees in the wild.


He had me there. Thursday is suppose to be our date, I’m worried I’m rushing into things and it wont work. Maybe I’m just over thinking it. I’ll update you all on Thursday.

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I am on a journey to self discovery. When I started this blog I had just cut off my hair and for the first time in my whole life thought I was beautiful. After not writing for a while and coming back and rereading some of my post I realize I am on the same journey just a different level. This blog is really an archive of me. I am open, honest and transparent with every post and every part of my journey. What you will find here is everything and anything important to me or anything God lays on my heart to write. You will find anything form love and adventure right down to heart break and depression and all the in betweens. Please enjoy

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