Only be strong and very courageous. ONLY …. ONLY.

I remember a couple months ago in my quiet time with God when this word “only’ jump out at me. It was at the end of my devotions I was packing up to finish my time with God and my eyes came across the word ONLY.

Only is defined as having no one or nothing more besides; solely or exclusively and as alone of its kind; single or solitary.

Only then means there is no other option, no other choices you don’t get to choose how you handle your enemies or move forward. Your ONLY option is to do so by being strong and very courageous.

Interesting to have courage means you have the ability to disregard fear.  Which means the verse is telling us to only be strong and fearless.

How many times in the pass month has God told you to do something and you didn’t out of fear?

Quite a few. But like me many of you have a calling up on your life, something that you were meant to do and people that only you can touch. 2 timothy 1 vs 7 says that God did not give us a spirit of fear.

Like me, I know many of you are scared but God did not give us that spirit. Like Joshua we are told to only be strong and very courageous. We cannot please God with fear in our hearts… even more fear holds us back from reaching our full potential.

The rest of the verse tells us that we must be only strong and very courageous that we may observe and do according to the law that Moses commanded. My translation/ understanding, only be strong and very fearless that you might obey the commandments. In other words, obedience to God requires us to have no fear.

As a single woman of God this part sometimes test my patience, will power and self-control. I have had a few suiters before me who God has downright told me no to. If I pay attention to my feelings, my fears or even friends who don’t understand; I would stay in those relationship out of fear that I may never get married or meet the man God has for me.

Often times to be obedient to God requires me to shed my cloak of fear and pick up my armour of faith. If truth be told, I stop to consider these gentlemen because of my fear.

Which leads me to the last part of this verse, do not turn to right nor to the left.

By this point in the post you must have realized that you have no other option but to be storing and fearless… THAT IS IT. You are only given one option. Which means you can’t veer from that option. You have to put on blinders to help you not focus on what is going on to the left or right of you as fear might seep in and you might veer of course.

So today ladies and gentlemen, ONLY, ONLY be strong and very fearless that you might obey the commandments and the voice of your Lord and Saviours. Put on your spiritual blinders that you do not veer left nor right.

I know it might seems uncertain but God got you.




A change is coming

It surprises me how fear can stop us in our tracks. Think about it, how many simple things did you not do today simply because of fear? Maybe you didn’t tell that guy on the bus his eyes are beautiful or you didn’t tell the lady standing in for of your with her waist at eye levee her zipper was down. Why? Because you didn’t want to come off
as freak or weird.

Did you know you could have made that guys day a whole lot better because he having a bad one? Or save that lady a ton of embarrassment when she walked into her meeting that

Last year I wrote hello ello fear while I did concur the fear i was facing. It seems like the more fear I over came a bigger one took it place. This year my fears are at the fore front of everything.

So I did accomplish getting a closer connection with god. He never fails to amazes me. Even yesterday as I sit for coffee and heart to heart with friends he reminded us that he is still in the mids. A friend of mine sends me bible verses every day and this was what he said.

Proverbs 13:20 NIV
20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

We must choose our friends carefully, for they have a major impact on the person we become. Remember to pray for your friends today.

This has a very huge impact on me right now.

My new fear biggest fear will need all my friends making sure I stay on the right path. and its amazing how when your life is changing the people you loose along the way. When we surround ourself with like mined people you grow, you grow into a bitter version of yourself.

I am ready a changing is coming and fear aint winning.

Hello Fear

Hello fear

You have held me captive for far too long. Have me living in fear of myself, fear of my friends, fear of being lonely, fear of being single, fear of being hurt and it’s about hella time I take back my freedom.

In fact I’m taking back my freedom. It about damn time.

This revelation came to me as I was standing in my kitchen. i was having one of those days where I just needed answers, answer about love, God and so much more. It hit me, it fear that’s holding me back. Fear that’s keeping captive.

I am at a point in my life where God is becoming the center of my existence. There are moments where I’m doing some mundane task and I have to stop because my soul is crying out for God. There was this one morning on my way to school that all I could do was cry and pray and praise god. I did not understand why I was cry and praying in the manner I was, noting seemed to be wrong.

Lately my fear has been holding me back, I don’t want to look crazy crying on the bus as I read my bible I don’t want to be casted out because I couldn’t even explain why I was crying.
But how can I let fear keep me from rejoicing about God. I know deep down in my heart that I have made more process emotionally, physically and mentally in the pass 6 months than ever before and I know its all to God.
So I cry when I pray because I am free and I am happy.



As always thank you for reading and do not let fear hold you captive.