Church girls are boring – LIES!!!!!

The idea that church girls are boring is such a wrong wrong myth that the world tells you.  I am not boring. I just have wholesome fun that worldly guys don’t appreciate. This week two guys called boring and told me I am a goody two shoes.

Here is the thing though, I AM NOT BORING and far from a goody two shoes.

In the midst of all of that, I found that I was willing to adopt my old life style to fit in and it wasn’t until a friend pointed out it out to me that I realized.  I had to come to the conclusion that I am no longer that girl. I am not that girl who thinks that manipulating a guy into liking me is a good idea. Nor am I the girl who believes the best part of me is between my thighs. Or that I have to pretend to be something I am not to get a guys attention.

Moreover, even when I was in the world I was never the girl who believed that partying on Friday and Saturday night was fun. I may have had a boy over though, and certainly did not bother with the pretense of “Netflix and chill”.

The thing is church girls are not boring, well not all of us, we simply choose to put Jesus at the center of our lives.  With Him at the center, there are a few things some of us cannot and will not partake in. A woman who is strong in her faith will not entertain those questionable conversations that will have her pastor pleading the blood of Jesus. We will not go whining and grinding on you on a Friday or Saturday night.  I have learned that late night conversation in a car is a bad idea.  Hell, enclosed private places with a guy is a bad idea.

Look, I have nothing against whining and grinding and I will be whining and grinding on my husband. But whining and grinding on you now is going to entice feelings in you as well as me. The Bible tells us flee from the very appearance of evil. Which means, I will not entice myself into temptation. I no longer overestimate my will power or self-control. Truth is I have none!!!

Let’s address goody-two-shoes, I am not that either. That would imply I don’t do anything wrong, I’m always perfect and well put together and I am not. I have hard days too, I had days where my faith wavers and I want to give and have those questionable conversations. But to me those are always – especially recently –   time for me to lean more on God. Again, the bible tells us He is made perfect in our weakness. Paul in Corinthians tells boast in our weakness and I proudly boast in mine.

After reading this wonderful book called Good or God by John Bevere. I realized I am called to live a life that is holy and to be holy means to be set apart for God. Especially when Hebrews 12 vs 14 says that if we do not learn to live a holy life we will not see God.

I want to see God!!! So if that makes me a boring church girl and goody-two-shoes to worldly or church guys, I am ok with that.

So by now I’m sure you are wondering what do I do for fun that makes me not so boring.  Well, I have over competitive game nights at my house that turn into pillow fights, bowls of laughter and tickles on the floor. Theatre dates with my friends, weekend get away with my girls and way too much times spent in the movie theaters. It vacations with both my guy and girl friends by the lake, white water rafting down a river and long hikes on a trail.   A good book, comfy blankets and my bed. Unlike many people my age and in this generation, I love my own company and I’m perfectly ok with going on vacation by myself.

Contrary to popular beliefs, us ‘church girls’ are not wasting away at home waiting on the right guy to drop on our doorsteps and say; “hi God said I am your husband”. We are living fulfilled lives with laughter, adventure and careers.

Well me and my friends are.


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I am on a journey to self discovery. When I started this blog I had just cut off my hair and for the first time in my whole life thought I was beautiful. After not writing for a while and coming back and rereading some of my post I realize I am on the same journey just a different level. This blog is really an archive of me. I am open, honest and transparent with every post and every part of my journey. What you will find here is everything and anything important to me or anything God lays on my heart to write. You will find anything form love and adventure right down to heart break and depression and all the in betweens. Please enjoy

2 thoughts on “Church girls are boring – LIES!!!!!”



  2. YES MA’AM! I love EVERYTHING about this article. I have been called boring or lame a time or two myself but when I learned that I am set apart by God, it no longer bothered me. I have lots of fun, I just no longer need alcohol or sex to get me there! I am so glad that God saved me and changed my mindset. Our lives are full and people of the world will never understand!

    Great read!


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