Hello Fear

Hello fear

You have held me captive for far too long. Have me living in fear of myself, fear of my friends, fear of being lonely, fear of being single, fear of being hurt and it’s about hella time I take back my freedom.

In fact I’m taking back my freedom. It about damn time.

This revelation came to me as I was standing in my kitchen. i was having one of those days where I just needed answers, answer about love, God and so much more. It hit me, it fear that’s holding me back. Fear that’s keeping captive.

I am at a point in my life where God is becoming the center of my existence. There are moments where I’m doing some mundane task and I have to stop because my soul is crying out for God. There was this one morning on my way to school that all I could do was cry and pray and praise god. I did not understand why I was cry and praying in the manner I was, noting seemed to be wrong.

Lately my fear has been holding me back, I don’t want to look crazy crying on the bus as I read my bible I don’t want to be casted out because I couldn’t even explain why I was crying.
But how can I let fear keep me from rejoicing about God. I know deep down in my heart that I have made more process emotionally, physically and mentally in the pass 6 months than ever before and I know its all to God.
So I cry when I pray because I am free and I am happy.



As always thank you for reading and do not let fear hold you captive.

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I am on a journey to self discovery. When I started this blog I had just cut off my hair and for the first time in my whole life thought I was beautiful. After not writing for a while and coming back and rereading some of my post I realize I am on the same journey just a different level. This blog is really an archive of me. I am open, honest and transparent with every post and every part of my journey. What you will find here is everything and anything important to me or anything God lays on my heart to write. You will find anything form love and adventure right down to heart break and depression and all the in betweens. Please enjoy

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