2.5 month update

I have been natural for two and a half months. One of my main reasons for going natural was letting go. All my life I had held on to things that no longer fit in my life. When it came to my hair I hated it being trimmed and sometimes I even cried. The same applied to my relationships. I held on to relationships way pass their expiration date. Cutting off my hair was symbolism for letting go. While a lot of people don’t agree with my decision it was mine to make. I don’t regret it. Almost 3 months later I am happy and smiling. I am tackling the world in ways I never imagined I would. I am laughing more, making new friends with strangers and kicking people who don’t belong in my life out. Cutting off my hair had nothing to do with being natural but more so accepting me and who I was from within.

2.5 months later being natural has thought me so much about myself. I am loving the new curlies that are coming in. My hair constantly amazes me and in turn I amaze myself. Learning about my hair I am learning about me and falling in love with myself every day and I tell you its an amazing feeling knowing that just being me is enough. 🙂

To everyone out there, Please find something you believe in, something you love. Lastly, THERE AINT A DAMN THING WRONG WITH LOVING YOU AND PUTTING YOU FIRST.
Thank you for reading and here is a video with my 2.5 month length up date. Please comment like and subscribe.

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I am on a journey to self discovery. When I started this blog I had just cut off my hair and for the first time in my whole life thought I was beautiful. After not writing for a while and coming back and rereading some of my post I realize I am on the same journey just a different level. This blog is really an archive of me. I am open, honest and transparent with every post and every part of my journey. What you will find here is everything and anything important to me or anything God lays on my heart to write. You will find anything form love and adventure right down to heart break and depression and all the in betweens. Please enjoy

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